Op.Dr. Ahmet Caymaz | KBB Hastalıkları. Baş & Boyun Cerrahisi Uzmanı – İzmir

Brow Lift

What is Endoscopic Brow Lift?

Low eyebrows make eyes look small and are considered a sign of aging along with forehead wrinkles. With brow lift surgery, the brows are positioned upwards, regardless of whether they are congenital or acquired. Thus, a much younger and more vigorous appearance is obtained. With this operation, some of the lines on the forehead are reduced and the sagging around the eyes is collected.

In the operation, sedo-anesthesia or general anesthesia can be applied. The operation can be performed by lifting all of the eyebrows as a block, or by lifting only the outer 1/3 of the eyebrows (temple lift).

The frontal muscle, which is the only muscle that raises the eyebrow, is located in the middle of the forehead and does not affect the outer ends of the eyebrows. For this reason, the outer part of the eyebrow begins to fall earlier.

Today, this surgery is performed not with large incisions as in the past, but with 4 small incisions from the scalp (2 incisions are made if only the outer ends of the eyebrows are to be lifted).

Thanks to this operation, wrinkles on the forehead and deep lines are reduced and sagging around the eyes is collected.

If a drain is inserted during the surgery, this drain is removed on the first or second day after the surgery. Rarely, edema and bruises disappear in the first week after the operation.

Stitches are removed in the first week and it is possible to return to work after the first week.

Sometimes, this operation is also applied to narrow the forehead in people with wide foreheads. In the operations performed for this purpose, the incision is made at the level of the scalp, from the line between the forehead and the hair.

In this way, the forehead narrows as the eyebrow rises.

After the operation, sometimes a small drain is placed and removed within 1-2 days. The edema and bruises that occur disappear within the first week.

Stitches are removed on Day 7 or Day 8. The operation offers a very comfortable and painless recovery process and it is possible to start work after the first week.


Brow Lift

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