Op.Dr. Ahmet Caymaz | KBB Hastalıkları. Baş & Boyun Cerrahisi Uzmanı – İzmir

Fat Injection


What is Fat Injection?

Fat injection is a procedure that is frequently added to facial operations, but it can also be applied alone.

Fats taken from the belly area, inner or outer thighs are injected into areas with facial volume loss after certain procedures. temporal (temporal), malar area (cheek), nasolabial and marionette lines are the most common areas where oil is applied.

Another method of application of fat injection is to thin the taken fat and apply it to the entire face and neck to create a skin rejuvenation effect without superficially giving volume.

Redness and bruising disappear in 2-3 days.

Fat Injection

How about getting more detailed information about it? ENT diseases, head and neck surgery specialist Dr. You can use the link below to get a detailed preliminary examination by Ahmet Caymaz.