Op.Dr. Ahmet Caymaz | KBB Hastalıkları. Baş & Boyun Cerrahisi Uzmanı – İzmir

What Is Ear Tube?


How Is Ear Tube Surgery Performed?

A healthy middle ear is filled with air, but due to various reasons, when the air pressure in the middle ear decreases, fluid accumulation occurs in the middle ear cavity. Hearing loss develops after a while because the fluid accumulated in the middle ear reduces the mobility of the hearing ossicles of the person. The ear tube is the definitive treatment method at this stage. Thanks to the tube attached to the middle ear, the air pressure is regulated and the middle ear continues to perform its normal functions.

Questions About Ear Tube Surgery

In cases of chronic serous otitis, which causes serious problems such as permanent hearing loss and rupture of the eardrum, the most common method is the insertion of an ear tube into the middle ear. This condition, which is usually seen in children between the ages of 3 and 10, can also be seen in adults. While ear tube insertion is performed under general anesthesia in children, it is mostly performed under local anesthesia in adults. In order to restore the air balance in the middle ear and insert the ear tube, firstly, the eardrum is drawn by entering the external ear with the help of a microscope. The liquid that has accumulated over time in the reached area is then taken out. Finally, the ventilation tube, which is usually 2 mm wide, is inserted. One end of the inserted ear tube is positioned in the external ear and the other end in the middle ear. Since the surgery is inside the ear, there is no physical change outside the ear.

What Are The Benefits of Ear Tube Surgery?

The most important benefit of ear tube surgery is undoubtedly restoring hearing ability. Hearing loss caused by fluid accumulating in the middle ear is eliminated by inserting an ear tube. In addition, frequent otitis media can be prevented after ear tube surgery. The balance and speech problems that occur in people as a result of fluid and inflammation are also eliminated with the insertion of the ear tube.

How Long Does the Ear Tube Stay In The Ear?

How long the ear tube will stay in the ear after the ear tube surgeries are performed to remove the fluid accumulated in the middle ear differs according to the condition of the person who undergoes the operation and the type of ear tube inserted. In general, short-term tubes are preferred for patients who have never had a tube inserted before. The average duration of the tubes in the ear varies between 6 and 9 months. After this period, the tubes are thrown from the body on their own without the need for any process from inside the ear. The body cannot remove the tube on its own in some patients, and in this case, the tube is taken from the ear by the specialist doctor under very light anesthesia, especially for pediatric patients.

Ear tube application can also be done in the form of repeated applications several times in some patients. T-tube products that remain in the ear for a long time are mostly used in patients in this situation. Tubes of this type remain in the ear for more than 1 year under the control of a doctor. Likewise, in cases where the treatment is seen sufficient, the tubes are removed by the specialist doctor.

What Should Be Considered After Ear Tube Surgery?

The most important thing that people should pay attention to after ear tube insertion is to prevent the ear from coming into contact with water for a while. For this reason, it is necessary to take the necessary precautions to prevent the access of liquid into the ear, especially while taking a shower or use of the pool. Otherwise, antibiotic treatment may be required depending on the condition of the patients.

Izmir Ear Tube

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