Op.Dr. Ahmet Caymaz | KBB Hastalıkları. Baş & Boyun Cerrahisi Uzmanı – İzmir

What is Eyelid Aesthetics (Blepharoplasty)?


Plastic surgical interventions on the eyelids are called blepharoplasty.

The procedure applied to the lower eyelids is called lower blepharoplasty, the procedure applied to the upper eyelids is called upper blepharoplasty.

    As age progresses, bagging and sagging of the skin fold on the upper eyelid occur. In some cases, the excess of adipose tissue also causes this appearance to worsen.

    Thus, the person looks older, tired and sad than he is. This situation is eliminated with upper eyelid blepharoplasty surgery and a more vigorous appearance is obtained.

    Surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia.

    Excess skin fold, muscle and fat tissues in the area are removed.

    If there is drooping eyelid (ptosis) or lachry gland sagging, they are also treated in this operation.

    Absorbable sutures used in the operation disappear within 3 weeks. Non-absorbable sutures are removed after 7 days.

    Edema (swelling) lasts for 3-5 days, bruising (ecchymosis) lasts for 5-7 days.
    In rare cases, it may take up to 10 days.

    Medicines to be used by the patient are prescribed by the doctor. Applying cold to the eye at intervals specified by the doctor positively affects the healing process.

    The patient can return to work life in 3-5 days.




    As age progresses, increasing skin sagging/looseness and fat bags in the lower eyelid are treated with this surgery.

    It is mostly done under general anesthesia.

    This surgery can be performed with incisions on the skin (external-external) or under the skin (conjunctival-internal). In both methods, excess fat under the eyes is removed.

    Sometimes some of these oils are used to camouflage the dimples under the eyes.

    If there is laxity in the lower eyelid, the area is tightened with supportive sutures. Absorbable sutures are used in internal incisions and non-absorbable sutures are used in external incisions.

    Non-absorbable sutures are removed within 5-7 days.

  • It is important for the healing process that the patient pays attention to drops, pomade and cold applications after the operation.

    Edema and bruises usually go away within first week and the patient can return to work life after the first week.

Eyelid Surgery

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